_____________________________________________________________________________ Remarks: (1) IGS and regional data are analyzed with the GAMIT software using a two-tier (global and regional) distributed processing scheme. The global data are analyzed in one or more subnetworks and combined using the GLOBK software. These are tightly constrained in separate GAMIT solutions: (1) Sumatra regional SUGAR (ambiguities free) The weekly solution reported here is generated by GLOBK, combining all global and SUGAR daily solutions. (2) The site coordinate repeatabilities reported in this newsletter are the direct results of the GLOBK adjustment. We then apply a filter to remove a common-mode position error from the SUGAR sites. The filtered series are available through the SOPAC Home Page at: http://sopac-devel.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/selectSugarTimeseries.cgi (3) SUGAR - Sumatra GPS Array