>X-Sender: dufremle@pacbell.net@pop.pacbell.yahoo.com >Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 17:26:16 -0700 >To: ybock@igpp.ucsd.edu, spike@igpp.ucsd.edu >From: Jim Swanson >Subject: San Joaquin project. >Cc: whyoung@concentric.net, lfenske@jps.net, dondonofrio@attbi.com, > Darrell_Bain@dot.ca.gov, marti_ikehara@dot.ca.gov >X-Spamscanner: mailbox6.ucsd.edu (v1.2 May 26 2003 01:55:38, 0.0/5.0 2.55) >X-Spam-Level: Level >X-MailScanner: PASSED (v1.2.8 82099 h8P1CmlX093663 mailbox6.ucsd.edu) > >Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-542F777D; >charset=us-ascii; format=flowed >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > >Good Day > >Incase you didn't know, I have posted at the following site >ftp://corslite.com/SanJoaquin/ the transcribed recovery notes, >photos, data sheets etc used or developed during the recon of the >San Joaquin Height Mod project. Each site is contained in its own >folder. There is about 238 meg of data total. You can download >these files using anonymous FTP. > >I'll leave the data on the site through the week end after which I >will remove it. If you need this material after that time I can >send you a CD. > >Cheers >Jim.