Baseline Summary B1201 (CHER to P30W)


Friday, Apr 02, 2004 06:52:59AM

Solution type:

Iono free fixed

Solution acceptability:

Solution acceptable

Ephemeris used:


Met Data:


Baseline slope distance:


Elevation mask:

15 degrees

Variance ratio:


Reference variance:




Horizontal Precision 1-sigma (scaled):


Vertical Precision 1-sigma (scaled):


Start time (GPS Time):

04/03/18, 19:58:00.000

1262, 417480.000

Stop time (GPS Time):

04/03/18, 20:46:45.000

1262, 420405.000

Occupation time:



Baseline Components (Mark to Mark)

From: CHER        
Grid   Local   WGS 84  
Northing 722214.089m Latitude 39°40'05.42894"N Latitude 39°40'05.42893"N
Easting 1978275.388m Longitude 122°15'11.49274"W Longitude 122°15'11.49274"W
Elevation 70.794m Height 41.988m Height 41.988m

To: P30W        
Grid   Local   WGS 84  
Northing 720483.284m Latitude 39°39'09.93821"N Latitude 39°39'09.93820"N
Easting 1987023.145m Longitude 122°09'04.34592"W Longitude 122°09'04.34592"W
Elevation 55.310m Height 26.811m Height 26.811m

D Northing -1730.805m NS Fwd Azimuth 101°01'54" D X 6829.791m
D Easting 8747.757m Ell. Distance 8917.650m D Y -5578.357m
D Elevation -15.484m D Height -15.177m D Z -1327.196m


Standard Errors

Baseline Errors:          
s D Northing 0.002m s NS Fwd Azimuth 0.040 seconds s D X 0.002m
s D Easting 0.002m s Ell.Distance 0.002m s D Y 0.005m
s D Elevation 0.006m s D Height 0.006m s D Z 0.003m


Aposteriori Covariance Matrix

  X Y Z
X 5.272e-6m2    
Y 8.691e-6m2 2.424e-5m2  
Z -6.794e-6m2 -1.251e-5m2 1.192e-5m2



  From To
Point Name: CHER P30W
Data file: CHER0783.DAT P30W0783.DAT
Receiver Type: 4700 4700
Receiver Serial Number: 220202606 220203616
Antenna type: Compact L1/L2 w/Ground Plane Compact L1/L2 w/Ground Plane
Measured To: Bottom of antenna mount Bottom of antenna mount
Antenna height Measured 2.000m 2.000m
  APC 2.063m 2.063m


  Tracking Summary




  Processing Style - Precise Ephemeris

Elevation Mask 15 degrees
Ephemeris Precise
Solution Type Fixed



Minimum baseline observation time 120 seconds
Maximum baseline length to attempt a fixed solution :
       Using broadcast ephemeris 200 kilometers
       Using precise ephemeris 2000 kilometers



Minimum reference observation time 600 seconds
Minimum static initialization observation time 120 seconds
Minimum known point initialization ratio 3.000
Minimum OTF processing time 200 seconds



Frequency type L1
Maximum fixable cycle slip (static processing only) 600 seconds
Maximum iterations (static processing only) 10
Maximum integer search time (static processing only) 30 minutes
Antenna Model NGS



Single frequency Dual frequency
Flag Fail Flag Fail
RMS acceptance criteria 0.030 0.040 0.020 0.030
Ratio acceptance criteria 3.000 1.500 3.000 1.500
Reference variance acceptance criteria 10.000 20.000 5.000 10.000
Edit multiplier 3.500



Model Hopfield
Minimum zenith delay interval 2 hours
Use observed met data Enabled



Ambiguity resolution pass (static processing only) Enabled
       Apply to all baselines longer than 10 kilometers
Final pass Enabled
       Apply to all baselines longer than 5 kilometers



Interpolation method Linear
Number of points to fit 2
Maximum allowed missing epochs 0
Time offset 0 microseconds


  OTF Search

Search method Optimal