after adding new map feature, list of features follows: This is unmapped element scale 1 x_percent=0.250000 y_percent=0.250000 max_width=0.01 max_height=0.07 current scale=3434.778388 This is polygon shape 1 with 10 vertices This is polygon shape 3 with 6 vertices after adding new map feature, list of features follows: This is unmapped element scale 1 x_percent=0.250000 y_percent=0.250000 max_width=0.01 max_height=0.07 current scale=3434.778388 This is polygon shape 1 with 10 vertices This is polygon shape 3 with 6 vertices This is unmapped element scale 3 x_percent=0.200000 y_percent=0.200000 max_width=0.00 max_height=0.00 current scale=1.000000 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9968149.895416 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9968149.895416 ElementIsContainedInsideRect type 8 returns FALSE so kill quadtree qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 MI_AddElement now destroys old quadtree & creates a new one qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 This is build_quadtree tick=19790196 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 build_quadtree now returns tick=19790246 MI_AddElement has completed rebuilding the quadtree, next notify FeatureMan has been notified of new quadtree qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9947514.988538 ElementIsContainedInsideRect type 8 returns FALSE so kill quadtree qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9922442.587812 MI_AddElement now destroys old quadtree & creates a new one qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10071658.477176 9922442.587812 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 At qt constructor expand_cors resets cors This is build_quadtree tick=19791769 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 build_quadtree now returns tick=19791819 MI_AddElement has completed rebuilding the quadtree, next notify FeatureMan has been notified of new quadtree qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 qtree reports new cors 9951933.800948 10065402.163230 10075104.778076 9922442.587812 Now in Map_Interface destructor this=56368304 type=1 exercising MI_INTERFACE_PRIMARY_TYPE destructor now exit MI_MapInterface destructor Now closing MI_DLL32 log indicated in Destroy_MI Now closing MI_DLL32 log in Main