## Ross Ice Sheet (RIS) GPS displacement time series .mat files - Matlab formatted data. 1 file per station - each file contains 7 columns with [Date dispNorth dispEast dispUp sNorth sEast sUp] Date are given in decimal day of year since 01/01/2015 Displacements and uncertainties are given in meters The 3 components are given ‘raw’, i.e. trended and containing tides. Reference: Klein, E., C. Mosbeux, P. Bromirski, L. Padman, Y. Bock, H. A. Fricker, S. R. Springer (2019), Ocean-Driven Seasonal Velocity Variability of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, measured by High Rate GPS, Access of GPS raw data available at the UNAVCO archive (see "GPSGNSS_Observations_Dataset-UNAVCO.pdf" file). Contacts: Peter Bromirski (pbromirski@ucsd.edu); Emilie Klein (klein@biotite.ens.fr)