D 691 HR0645 37 03 10.7 119 47 36.5 From the intersection of Hwy 49 and 41 in Oakhurst, drive southerly on Hwy 41 for 15.4 mi to the intersection of Hwy 41 and Yosemite Springs Parkway, a side road right. Continue southerly on Hwy 41 for 8.5 mi to the intersection with Rd 208 and turn right. Drive west on Rd 208 for 0.75 mi to the intersection with Rd. 209 and turn right. Drive north on Rd 209 for 0.9 mi to the mark on the right in a boulder, continuing for 0.1 mi to a gravel driveway on the right (east) for a farm road with olive green double metal gates. ALternatively, from the intersection of Hwy 41 and Rd 209, turn on Rd 209 which goes west for about 100 ft and then turns north. From the intersection, drive north on Rd 209 for 1.35 mi to the intersection with Rd 208, and continue for 0.9 mi to the mark on the right. Mark is 450 ft south of the CL of a gravel driveway; the other measurements are correct.