This release (04/28/08) includes the following changes since the last release: (1) When user adding a site into campaign using agency monument id (e.g.; ngs pid or sopac id), this site must be registered with sopac database beforehand. PGM client uses a local copy of a sites info file (downloaded from the server) to do the checking. (2) A new download menu (manager mode) for the "Sitesinfo' file used in (1) is added in 'Campaign/Sync/Download/Sites Info'. (3) In technician mode, Antenna Height/Tripod Slant Height has three submenus based on project requirements: (a) Metrics and English - the original double checkings using both measurements for a better precision, (b) English to Metrics - use only english (auto converting to metrics), (c) Metrics to English - use only metrics (auto converting to english). (4) When uploading GPS datafile from either manager or technician mode, the changes have been made from allowing multiple files to allowing only a single file. (5) To avoid confusion, the default value has been removed from the fixed pole height antenna measurement field. The users are required to choose one from the drop down menus. (6) Informative labels have been added for entering monument latitude and longitude such as positive latitude means North and positive longitude means East. (7) 'Help' menu now displays not only the release version (e.g. 1.2) but also the build version (e.g. Manager vs. Technician). (8) A few bugs fixed including a tricky one related to xml sax parser. (9) Both receiver and antenna model codes are sorted in Gear Listing dropdown list of manager's mode. (10) The communication protocol (HTTP) used in uploading campaign file has been modified to use Apache Commons HttpClient library instead of JDK, which providing the capability of setting the timeout.